More or Less?

Dr. TonyNSA

Symptoms (secondary conditions) have two main functions: To get you to stop and pay attention. To get you to do something different. Have you ever driven somewhere and once having reached your destination, you don’t remember how you got there? We often go about our lives on automatic pilot.  Our day to day autopilot usually determines our daily actions. We …

5 Ways to increase your resilience

Dr. TonyNSA

When you stretch out a rubber band as far as it can go, and you let it go, it bounces quickly back into shape. This is a good example of resilience: Bouncing back into your ‘best self’. When we’re not as resilient as we could be, we get bent out of shape. We get bent out of shape mentally and physically. …

How do you break a bad habit?

Dr. TonyNSA

In past articles I have written about the importance of the PreFrontal Cortex (the most advanced part of the brain) and its many implications for our optimal health. The PreFrontal Cortex (PFC) is where we think rationally, where we’re able to weigh various aspects to a decision and it’s where we’re able to adopt more than one perspective at a …

Get sick less often

Dr. TonyNSA

I started going to a Chiropractor when I was a teenager. I had had a soccer injury. I, along with a player from the opposing team, attempted to kick the ball at the same time in opposite directions. My coach had always said to power through so I did. The ball went forward but my hip and low back gave …

What’s running your life?

Dr. TonyNSA

Assuming that something is running your life, hopefully you have command of it.  It could be a sense of purpose, destiny or wanting to serve and give your gifts. It could also be fear, grief, guilt, anger or even shame. Typically for most of us, what’s running our lives is a mix of the things and probably others. When I …

Want to Improve Your Memory and Focus?

Dr. TonyNSA

They say that as we age, our memory starts to go. There are always exceptions to the rule and my mom is a good example of this when it comes to memory. She’s almost 90 and she can remember things that I have trouble recalling:). Given that aging typically gets a bad wrap, I’d like to clarify that many problems …

Do you want the cure?

Dr. TonyNSA

Historically this question implies that there’s something wrong with you and you’re looking for something to take what’s wrong and make it disappear. For example, researchers are looking for the cure for many types of cancers. And what they’re specifically looking for is some sort of chemical compound or procedure that will eliminate cancer cells. Another example can be seen …

Are you powered up?

Dr. TonyNSA

As well as chiropractic is known in the world, when you think of chiropractic most people think of the bones of the spine, and how a chiropractor moves the bones and sometimes there’s a cracking or popping sound. Hopefully most of you know that at the Happy Spine, we focus on the nervous system: the brain, spinal cord and nerves. …

Move It or Lose It

Dr. TonyNSA

We take our ability to move and to be flexible for granted. It’s usually when we challenge our mobility that we realize how stiff or immobile we really are. It’s why you “feel it” a day or two after exercising for the first time in a while. When we get injured, it can be even more demoralizing. A few years …

The Problem with Pre-Existing Conditions

Dr. TonyNSA

Pre-Existing Conditions (PEC) really came into the public consciousness with Covid. PEC’s are also known as comorbidities. PEC’s can be any health condition you can imagine – common examples are cancer, diabetes, asthma and depression. What makes a PEC a PEC is that it is an unresolved, unhealed situation, condition, illness; something that was there before a new health concern …