One of the greatest gifts we can give one another and ourselves is to truly listen. We feel acknowledged and valued when we feel that we’ve been heard. Our physiology shifts from fear and defense to openness and growth.
Very often, we will listen to respond: while the other person is talking, we are formulating what we want to say next. Or we judge and analyze what the other person is saying. So we don’t really hear the other person.
The same rings true for when we’re interacting with the body. Having symptoms is one of the ways that the body communicates with us. Very often we immediately judge those symptoms as annoying or inconvenient. What if this behaviour was because you never learned to listen, at least not to your body?
Chiropractic is a science, philosophy and an art. The art to chiropractic lies in listening, with the ears but also with the hands. When Dr. Joe and I put our hands on your spines, we’re effectively listening. If we come to the table with an agenda, we won’t be listening to you or your body.
It turns out that depending on how we approach you determines your receptivity. Just like when you approach someone at a party and engage them in conversation, people are usually more receptive when they feel like they’re being listened to and that you’re genuinely curious about them. If you were to go over to someone and tell them what they’re all about, how do you think that person would feel? Instead of being receptive, they would feel defensive.
Very often, when I put my hands on someone’s spine and I listen, their body directs me. I have learned over the years to trust that guidance. And one of my goals is to help you learn how to listen to your own body. It is a skill that takes time and patience. And it is well worth it. Your healing and quality of life expands beyond what you might think is possible.
When we learn to listen to our bodies, we learn to listen to our inner wisdom. And we are all very wise.